Cover some of your dental payments with private health insurance!

Click on the topics below to learn more:
Private Health Insurance
- Hospital cover
- General or Ancillary cover (e.g. Dental, Physiotherapy, etc…)
- The health fund you are a member of
- The type of cover you have
- The level of your cover
- Your cover’s annual limit
What is a Gap payment?
If your dental treatment fees exceed the rebate that your private health insurance provides, you will have to pay the “GAP”, or excess. This can be done by cash, credit/debit card, or an interest-free payment plan.
Again, the rebate you receive from your private health insurer will vary depending on your insurer’s policy, your level of cover and your cover’s annual limits for dental treatment.
To find out the amount of rebate you will receive, you will have to contact your private health insurer directly.
When does my health fund benefit reset?
Your annual limit is the maximum amount you can claim for a specific extras service. It resets at the start of a new year.
So when does your annual limit reset?
In general, the annual limit resets at one of the following times, depending on your health fund’s policy:
- 1st of January
- 1st of July
- The anniversary of your policy
Click here to find out more on when your annual limit resets.
Any unused benefits will not be rolled over to the next year when your annual limit resets.
Lifetime Limit
You should also be aware of your health fund’s lifetime limit policy. The lifetime limit is the dollar limit they will rebate for certain services during the entire time time you are enrolled in their plan. Lifetime limit does not reset annually.
HCF Preferred Provider

Aperture Dental is excited to be part of the HCF More For Teeth program since 2013.
As a More For Teeth HCF dentist preferred provider in Sunnybank Hills, we are here to support HCF members in achieving their best oral health with a lower out of pocket cost.
What does this mean for HCF Members*?
100% rebate with no gap to pay on a range of diagnostic and preventative services, including:- Check and clean
- X-rays
- Fluoride
- Mouthguards
NIB Preferred Provider
Aperture Dental is proud to be part of NIB First Choice Dental network.
As an NIB preferred provider for dental services, we are committed to delivering high quality dental care that is value for money.
What does this mean for NIB members*?
- Rebates for unlimited number of preventative dental care visits (check + clean and fluoride) each year
- 60-75% rebate on all dental services
- Competitive pricing (fees as set by NIB)
Which health funds have access to NIB First Choice network benefits?
If you are a member of the following NIB partner programs, you will have access to the same NIB First Choice network benefits:- AAMI
- Suncorp Insurance
- Qantas Insurance
We accept ALL health funds!
About Bulk Billing and Dental Vouchers
Find out how the cost of your treatment can also be subsidised through MEDICARE...