We are very proud to introduce our new booking system for making ONLINE appointments.
When deciding on calling the dentist, are you the kind of person who:
- would like to take your time in deciding on your appointment times
- is only free to contact us at night when everyone is closed
- delays getting in touch because using the phone is something that you don’t feel comfortable with, or takes too much effort
Don’t worry, you’re not the only one!
We now have a new online booking system where you do not have to worry about the time of day, or speaking with anyone on the phone (please be assured our receptionists are very accommodating and pleasant).
Just go over to our website and click on the ‘MAKE AN ONLINE APPOINTMENT’ button and follow the prompts. Please have the following details ready:
- Full Name
- Date of Birth
- Mobile number (for a confirmation text)
Why not try it out now? Click HERE to go straight to it!